Monday, February 18, 2008


I have written in personal journals for many years. These journals have contained my ramblings, mostly directed at myself and at the Father. These rambling have called me to repentance, they have revealed the true nature of me (sometimes good and sometimes not so go0d), they have provided for me an outlet to express my feelings, and they have been an open diagloge containing my musings and bents towards a variety of topics that are important to me. I have decided to now take my personal journals and post them into this blog. A blog aptly called "spentlife". There is danager in posting a blog, danager not only because my grammar and spelling is not up to the level of some, but danager also because whenever you reveal your heart there is bound to be some who don't agree or get offended along the way. Such is this life, I guess.

I am writing this blog just for conversation sake. My strong desire is just to have a raw outlet of truth. I chose the blog title "spentlife" because of the true and simple power of the combination of those two words. If we are true to ourselves and true to our design we are called to live a life that is spent on others. It amazes me how so many of us get this wrong or for some reason never connect with this truth. This is true especially in the "Americanized" Christian church. For some reason most "Americanized" Christians have a tendency to look inward first and then possibly (on extreme and rare occasions) look outward. How this must grieve the heart of the Father.

For some reason "Americanized" Christians have this odd and dangerous inward view of their Christianity. They see things from a solely grace standpoint. They focus on passages that read "For it is by grace you have been saved,.......not by works, so that no one can boast." But for some reason they stop reading there, without looking at the verse to follow: "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works." (Eph. 2:10). Can't believe I quoted scripture in my first blog, that is very odd for me. I guess I am just pissed at the inward focus of "Americanized" Christians.

There is no greater life than to live your life spent for the needs of others. Didn't make this up, it's truth. I'm sick of inward-focued "American" Christianity. We need to stop being so concerned about our bank accounts, personal problems, unanswered selfish prayers, and begin to be outward focused. We need to actively, passionately work to live a spentlife.

I guess I suceeded in posting my Alpha blog. We will see where this leads.

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